After a short break, the weekly news returns for one last time this year. There are still a few things to advertise.
Have a lovely Christmas and a happy new year everyone! It’s been a pleasure. Publicist 2022 out.
0. Calendar
- 31.12.: New Year’s at Smökki
1. Guild
Guild still exists
Data Guild has survived yet another year. A new board and officials for 2023 have been selected (even a chair!), we have a guild room, and of course the most amazing guild members of them all. Yay!
2. AYY and fun
The first application round of TTE Fund is open!
TTE Fund can grant financial aid for all AYY members as well as communities operating in connection with it. TTE Fund supports operations that reach for the stars, get other people excited to join in and can be seen and heard.
You can apply for grants from TTE-Fund in two ways: through the application rounds arranged approximately three times a year and through the continuous application period which is open during the academic terms. During the continuous application period, you can apply for the grants with the maximum of 2000€, whereas the amount of project grants during the actual application rounds is not limited.
The first application round of 2023 ends on Sunday 15.1.2023 at 11.59 pm.
More information:
3. Aalto, studies and work opportunities
Remember to pay the Kela health care fee for the spring term
Students who are studying during spring term 2023 need to pay a healthcare fee to Kela, the Social Insurance Institution of Finland. If you are a bachelor’s degree student who has enrolled as attending for the spring term 2023, you must pay the healthcare fee by 31 January 2023. Kela sends no bill for the fee, so you need to remember to make the payment yourself.
Please read more here: How to pay the student healthcare fee | Our Services | Kela
Apply for the Aalto-Helsinki 2023 iGEM Team
Are you looking for an interesting and meaningful project for next year? Do you want a chance to create and pursue your own ideas in research?
We are now recruiting Aalto University and University of Helsinki BSc and MSc students to form a new iGEM team to represent Finland in the world’s largest synthetic biology competition, iGEM, held next year in Paris. The Aalto-Helsinki team will design, develop and execute their own research project from scratch and present their results in the Grand Jamboree in October 2023.
Application form:
What’s iGEM?
Being a part of an iGEM team allows you to plan your own research project from scratch in three phases. In spring, you will get to know your team members and decide on the project you will try to develop during the summer. The team will also reach out to companies and gather funding. The summer consists of practical work and testing your design. In autumn, you will present your project and compete with other iGEM teams for the Grand Prize, as well as other Track and Special Awards.
Find out more about iGEM on:
To get a better idea what an iGEM project could be please take a look at the previous teams’ wiki pages and Aalto-Helsinki social media:
2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014
Instagram/TikTok: @aaltohelsinki_igem Linkedin/Facebook: Aalto-Helsinki iGEM
Aalto-Helsinki 2022 Promotion video:
Applications are now open and the deadline for submitting your application is the 8th of January 2023 at 23.59. More information & application form can be found at:
For any questions, you can contact us at or reach out to us on our Instagram.
4. Other
A funny joke

5. Finnish Corner
Hämäläis-Osakuunan laulajien koelaulu
Tuntuuko laulaminen omalta jutulta ja haluaisit tehdä sitä hyvässä porukassa? Oletko pohtinut kuoroharrastuksen aloittamista? Hämäläis-Osakunnan Laulajat hakee nyt uusia laulajia! Koelaulut järjestetään tiistaina 17.1. ja 24.1.2023 klo 16-18 välillä Hämäläis-Osakunnalla Kampissa. Avoimet treenit järjestetään 10.1, jolloin kuoron harjoituksiin voi tulla tutustumaan.
Koelauluihin voi ilmoittautua tässä spreadsheetissä:
Olemme Suomen vanhin akateeminen sekakuoro, jossa yhdistyvät kunnianhimoinen musiikinteko ja monimuotoinen hauskanpito. Etsimme laulajia etenkin tenori- ja bassoääniin, mutta myös sopraanot ja altot ovat tervetulleita!
Koelauluissa hakija esittää itse valitsemansa laulun sekä suorittaa muutaman laulutehtävän. Voit ilmoittautua koelauluihin laittamalla nimikirjaimesi taulukkoon valitsemaasi ajankohtaan. Ota lisäksi yhteyttä sähköpostitse osoitteeseen, jotta voimme lähettää sinulle Finlandia-hymnin nuotin, joka koelaulutilaisuudessa lauletaan kvartetin kanssa.
Tervetuloa mukaan koelauluihin!
6. Two photos of a cute dog