This is a newsletter, have a great week!
0. Calendar
- 19.9. 15-16: SCI study advisor at guild room
- 22.9. ticket sales for Otacruise start
- 30.9.: Otatarha Grand Prix and Lakinlaskijaiset
- 20.10.: Alvarin Appro
- 16.11.: Songwriting contest sitsit
- 27.-29.11.: Otacruise
1. Guild
2. Events
Otacruise ticket sales begin on 22nd September
Are you starting to feel too safe and sound on land? Would you like to head to the sea? Otacruise is coming again, bigger and better!
Otacruise, arranged for the second time, gathers over 2500 Aalto students for a cruise to Stockholm on 27-29 November 2022 🛳
This year the ticket sales will be carried out in two parts. Ticket sales will start on on 22.9. at 17:00 and on campus on 26.9. at 8:00. From the on campus sales you will get a personal link, that you can use to buy the cabin. More specific location for the campus sales will be shared closer to the date. On, cabins from all available cabin classes will be for sale. On the campus sale, 4 people cabins from classes A, B and C will be for sale. One cabin member buys tickets for the whole cabin in both sales. More information about the cruise and ticket sales is available at
Follow @otacruise on Instagram and Telegram to keep up with the information! This is an event you don’t want to miss🤩
The event organiser reserves the right to make changes.
What: Otacruise
Where: Helsinki-Stockholm-Helsinki
When: 27-29 November 2022
Who: All Aalto students
TG & IG: @Otacruise
Songwriting contest sitsit
The songwriting contest of the Teekkarius 150 anniversary has opened! This year there are four categories out of which one is the international series! To participate you need to rewrite or come up with a new song entirely in a language that is NOT Finnish. You can also participate into the other categories with a non-Finnish song. The other series are Teekkaritradition series (Relating to the Teekkarius 150 celebration), Never-before seen (Songs that have never been performed.), Fresh-songs (Songs that have been performed, but are still new.)
You can compete in the song competition alone or alongside your friends with as many fantastic lyrics as you can come up with. If you recently came up with a song, and already sang it at a sitsit, no worries. Songs written after 9.11.2021 are all eligible for signup, but you must enter with your own song. The competition will close on 2.11.2022.
All new lyrics entered to the competition will be sung during the Song writing competition sitsit on the 16.11 in Otakaari 20. During the sitsit the winners of the categories will be announced alongside fantastic prizes for the winners. The winners will be selected by a panel of judges composed of keen observers of Otaniemi song-culture.
Ticket sales for the sitsit will begin during week 41 and the sitsit cost 17 euros. The Dresscode is smart casual. The sitsit will begin 18:30 with the doors opening at 18:00 on the 16.11, participating contestants are guaranteed a spot as they are limited.
If you have any questions, please contact @lukkaritiretoori on telegram or on email.
The event will follow the AYY principles of save space and the AYY code of conduct.…/turvallisemman-tilan-periaatteet
What: Songwriting contest
When: Now
What is later: Sitsit in Otakaari 20
3. AYY associations
Aalto Cocktail Workshop: Back to the Basics
Are you sick of always drinking the same Vodka Red Bull? Would you like to learn how to mix some other drinks than just Rum & Coke? Well, your prayers have been answered!
Aalto Cocktail organizes ‘Back to the Basics’ cocktail workshop on Thursday 29th of September (29.9.) at 18:00 at the Aalto Cocktail club room 100 Monkeys. Come and learn how to make a few proper cocktails to dazzle your friends with! There are only a limited number of tickets available, so be fast!
IN SHORT: WHAT: Cocktail Workshop: Back to the Basics WHERE: 100 Monkeys AC club room (Jämeräntaival 11 G) WHEN: 29.9. at 18:00 PRICE: 15 € TICKETS: via link posted in the Facebook event
Wine club Baccus Introtasting
Wine club Baccus warmly welcomes every fuksi and mursu and also the older students to introtasting! Whether you’re good at choosing the cheapest option from Alko’s shelf or a true wine expert, you can easily attend as no prior knowledge is needed.
During the tasting you can enjoy a relaxed atmosphere and get to know Baccus, fellow students and of course wines! In addition, the tasting offers a wide selection of wines to taste and you also get to experience the wines Hartwall has to offer.
WHAT: Introtasting
WHERE: Saha (Konemiehentie 1, 02150 Espoo)
WHEN: 29.9.2022, 18:30-
Link to ticket sales:
Facebook event:
Polijazz dance classes
Bored of sitting home and can’t groove to music in your tiny apartment? Join the dance classes 12th Sep onwards and meet new people! We offer the first time for FREE to you.
Modern dance: Thu 16:00–1755 (beginner) Thu 17:00-17:55 (intermediate)
Oriental dance: Thursdays 18-19 (open level)
26.9.-9.12.2022 Breaking: Wed 19:10-20:10 (beginner) Wed 20:15-21:15
Our professional teachers speak FI&EN and we are located at Aalto University. All student minded people are welcome!Sign up at !
Join Teekkarispeksi 2023 musical production!
Do you dream of making theater? Teekkarispeksi 2023 is recruiting! Take the leap to the world of theater and join us in making the next musical theater production!
We are looking for people to work behind the scenes in scenery, props, costumes, makeup, etc. Our production is mainly in Finnish so we can’t offer stage roles in English. Check all the options in the form below.
Apply with this form: . Application is open until 4.11.
Dissonanssi Choir Auditions Wed 21.9.!
The Dissonanssi choir is looking for new singers. This Fall we are looking for singers from all vocal ranges from soprano to bass. It’s possible to apply in English, as well.
Dissonanssi is a mixed choir based in Otaniemi singing diverse music – without forgetting having fun!
Our auditions will be held on 21.9. at 5pm at Ossinkulma (Otakaari 18, Espoo).
Apply latest Tue 20.9. at 9pm! You can apply using this form:
Teekkaripurjehtijat Introductory sailings
Would you like to try sailing? Come to an introduction sailing with Teekkaripurjehtijat on 12.10. and 13.10.! Registration for introduction sailings opens on the Teekkaripurjehtijat website on Wednesday September 21st at 18:00. There are limited seats and they are filled in order of registration. More information and registration on the TRIP webpage.
4. Other
There is still time to register for CodeRefinery workshop this week!
Have you ever thought…
– I wish I knew how to use git/GitHub better…
– I wish I could write better code for my study/research project…
– I wish I could share my code with others…
Then CodeRefinery is exactly what you need! 1 ECTS available, we start this week. Both online or in-person in Otaniemi
More info and registration at:
Snacks will be provided for the in-person CodeRefinery workshop in Otaniemi F336 (if there are enough registrations). Please register and tell your friends & colleagues!
Bonus: what you learn in these courses is appreciated and used A LOT outside Academia.
Have a great Fall!
Aalto Scientific Computing
Join the Effective Altruism Intro Program!
How do we do good, better? Do you want to build a career that not only benefits you but also has a real positive impact on the world? Would you like to meet interesting people from multidisciplinary backgrounds, who have a shared passion for doing good? The Effective Altruism Intro Program is an eye-opening and rewarding 4-week program starting on October 10th. Every week consists of readings and discussion on themes like effective career choices, empathy, global health and existential risks. The program offers you a great opportunity to talk with and learn from like-minded people about doing good in effective ways. Apply by September 25th:
Teekkari Association survey
According to the decisions of Teekkari Gathering, the Teekkari Association work group is conducting a survey to gather data on existing challenges and opinions regarding the current structure of the student community and teekkari identity.
The work group and the survey exist to bring more clarity to the ongoing discussion about the status of the teekkari activities and future in Otaniemi. The results of the survey aren’t going to be binding for the community in any ways, and the survey exists merely to gather data for the teekkari community, Teekkari Gathering, and AYY to refer to in possible upcoming discussions.
Questions about the survey or the work group can be sent via email to or via telegram @teekkarit
The survey takes around 10 minutes to complete
5. Finnish Corner
Alliance peli tapahtuma By Athene ja Helsingin YK nuoret
Helsingin YK-nuoret järjestää Athenen kanssa yhteistyössä Alliance -megapeli-illan torstaina 22.9.2022 klo 16-21 Väreessä! Tapahtuma on osa Suomen YK-nuorten koordinoimaa Nuorten rauhanviikkoa.
Kyseessä on simulaatiopeli, jonka myötä pelaajat pääsevät sukeltamaan kansainvälisten suhteiden maailmaan. 1-3 hengen joukkueet edustavat omia valtiotaan pyrkien saavuttamaan tavoitteensa valitsemillaan tavoin. Sääntöjä ei etukäteen tarvitse osata, vaan innokas asenne riittää! Pelikieli on suomi.
Tule, näe, voita!
Tarvitaan lisää osallistujia – lyhyt MEG-tutkimus
Tutkimus koostuu magnetoenkefalografian (MEG) avulla tehtävästä mittauksesta (1 tunti) sekä kokeeseen liittyvistä kysymyksistä (yhteensä 20 minuuttia). Mittauksen aikana suoritat erittäin helppoja tehtäviä. Mittaus tapahtuu Otaniemen kampuksella MEG Core:ssa, kysymyksiin voit vastata tietokoneella. Kokeen lopuksi saat 30 € Espresso House lahjakortin. Mittaukset tapahtuvat syksyllä-talvella 2022.
Olet etsimämme henkilö, mikäli olet ainakin 18-vuotias, puhut suomea äidinkielenäsi, sinulla ei ole akuuttisia neurologisia tai psykiatrisia sairauksia ja kehossasi ei ole metallia (esimerkiksi hammasrautoja). Jos olet kiinnostunut tutkimukseen osallistumisesta, ole hyvä ja täytä seuraava lomake:
Polirytmin viikoittaiset torstaijamit Servin mökissä
Polirytmi järjestää lukuvuoden joka torstai kaikille avoimet jamit Servin mökissä. Homman nimi on soittaa porukalla hyvää musiikkia ja tutustua muihin Otaniemen muusikoihin. Jamit ovat matala kynnys tutustua Polirytmin toimintaan laajemmin ja päästä soittamaan uutta musiikkia. Jameissa soitetaan aluksi muutama ennalta määrätty kappale, joihin tarjotaan nuotit. Loppuaika soitetaan kaikkea musiikkia, mitä osallistujat vain haluavat; vain taivas on rajana! Mukaan saa tulla täysin taitotasosta riippumatta, ja mahdollisuus on myös kokeilla uusien soittimien soittamista. Ota siis soittimesi tai äänihuulesi komerosta ja tule mukaan jammailemaan!
Liity samalla Polirytmin maililistalle, josta saat muistutuksen viikoittaisista jameista ja nuotit ennalta määrättyihin kappaleisiin:
𝗠𝗜𝗧𝗔̈: Polirytmin torstaijamit: Pop/Jazz/rock/soul/funk/yms-musiikkia avoimesti jammaillen.
𝗠𝗜𝗟𝗟𝗢𝗜𝗡: Joka torstai klo 19 eteenpäin
𝗠𝗜𝗦𝗦𝗔̈: Servin mökin takaosassa. Sisäänkäynti Smökin takaosan (Akvaarion) ovista
𝗠𝗜𝗧𝗘𝗡: Olemme etukäteen valinneet ja valmistelleet muutaman biisin, joita ainakin pyrimme soittamaan, sen jälkeen sana biisien suhteen on vapaa. Nappaa oma soittimesi mukaan (rummut, koskettimet ja vahvistimet löytyy paikan päältä). Valmiiksi valikoiduista biiseistä on tarjolla nuotit yleisimmille soittimille.
6. A photo of a cute dog