It is time for the first newsletter of the year! Here are some of the excuses given by ChatGPT on why there hasn’t been any newsletter :
“We were too busy being New Year’s resolutions and promptly forgot to send a newsletter in January. Our sincerest apologies, we’ll try to be better at keeping our commitments this year.”
“January was so dry, we couldn’t write a drop of a newsletter”
“January was so dry, even the newsletter had a drought! But fear not, we’re making a comeback with a flood of updates in February.”
“Our publicist has been so busy trying to make resolutions stick, they forgot to send out a newsletter in January. Looks like they still have some ‘stick-to-it-iveness’ to work on.”
The guild’s annual ball is almost here 🎊🎊 ! Do not forget to sign up 🙌
Wishing everyone a nice week,
Selin Taskin
Publicist, Data Guild
0. Calendar
- 16.02.: EtCO Friend’s Day Event
- 18:02: Pre-Exam Party (Save the Date)
- 18.02: Bunka
- 21.02: Effective Altruism Intro Program Applicaiton Deadline
- 25.02: Annual Ball of Data Guild
- 26.02: Annual Ball of Data Guild Sillis
- 27.02: Employer Speed Dating Fail-Safe IT Solution
1. Guild
Annual Ball of Data Guild
Founded in February of 2019, Data Guild is about to turn four years old. To celebrate this, we invite you to join us at Epoch(4), the fourth annual ball of the association!
The celebration begins on Saturday, 25th of February, at 17:00 in Smökki at Jämeräntaival 4 with cocktails, snacks and gifts. When the clock strikes 18:00, we will transition into the sitsit, held in English, with food and people out of this world, along with live performances. We follow up after the sitsit with a wondrous afterparty – and who knows where the night may lead after that?
After surviving the night, the next day we head towards the Living Room at JMT5 from 12:00 onwards to enjoy the Sillis, a day-after brunch, where you can enjoy good food and drinks, palju, company and entertainment, reviving yourself from a day well-partied.
The annual celebration costs 40€ and the Sillis brunch 5€. There are 75 spots in total. You can also sign up only for the Sillis brunch. Sign-up for invited guests opens on Thursday 2nd of February. at 10:00. Sign-up for members of Data Guild opens on Thursday, 9th February at the same time. All sign-ups close on the 17th of February, and are binding! For any questions, please contact
What? Annual Ball of Data Guild
When? 25.02. 17:00 – ??? , Sillis 26.02.12:00 – 18:00
Where? Smökki, Kylän Olohuone
How much? Annual Ball 40€, Sillis 5€
Dress Code? Semi-formal to White TieSemi-formal to White Tie
Why? For the glory of Data Guild, of course!
2. AYY and fun
Teekkaripurjehtijat Navigation courses
Do you want to learn to read nautical charts and know the sea marks? Do you want to learn how to navigate at sea, or learn how to skipper a boat? If you answered yes to any of the questions, come join the Teekkaripurjehtijat Navigation course!
TRIP organizes Navigation 1 -course in both Finnish and English on weekday evenings in Otaniemi campus. Registration is open until 12.2. (ordering materials thru TRIP by 7.2.). More info and registration
ETCo Friends Day
What better way to celebrate the upcoming Valentine’s day than with the very first event organized by the English Technology Bachelors’ Committee 💛
Come join us at the Otaranta Clubroom, where you’ll have a chance to meet people from other guilds, play fun games and have some tasty snacks! The event will happen on February 16th at 6pm. We will also give a brief introduction of the committee and its current members 👋
Sign-up opens on February 6th at 18:00. Remember to sign up according to the guild quotas!
When? February 16th at 6pm
Where? Otaranta Clubroom – Otaranta 8 B
How much? FREE
For who? All English Bachelor’s students
Why? Meet other guilds and have fun!
[bun.ka] XIII ビデオジョッキ
Bunka is a traditional, 24 years old event concept where the theme of the evening and night is about frequently changing, short DJ and VJ sets. Bunka has no restrictions on genre or BPM, and (almost) anyone can sign up to play. For new DJs (後輩, kōhai), Bunka is a place to showcase their skills and for old ones (先輩, senpai) an opportunity to break out of their old habits and style. VJs (videoジョッキー, bideojokkii) also have the opportunity to show off.
Artist, DJ and VJ applications are now open until 11.2. You need to join entropy to apply. For DJs, please include an overview of the genres (in the artist profile) and BPMs (in the application) you are going to play as the line-up will be constructed upon that. Every DJ performance is 30 minutes long.
If you have any questions about the event, you can contact Entropy at
When? 18.2.2023, at 21:00
Where? Otaniemi UG
How much? 10 €
KY’s Vujukuntis
Run, don’t walk to Kaivohuone on the 24th of February! Get ready to dance the night away with Isac Elliot, Sara Bee and Devinity
– we warmly welcome all students to the event. See you there! For more info.
What? KY’s Vujukuntis – a kickstart to KY Week!
Where? Kaivohuone (Iso Puistotie 1)
When? 24th of February, 22-04
How much? 4€ (includes the cloakroom fee)
When? 24th of February, 22-04
Tickets: On
Dresscode: Overalls
3. Aalto, studies and work opportunities
Employer Speed Dating with Fail-Safe IT Solutions
Fail-Safe IT Solutions is looking for international degree students to join their ranks! Attend Employer Speed Dating with Fail-Safe IT Solutions to find out if their Organization Specialist Intern and Senior Java Developer would be a match. After a short company introduction, you’ll get an 8-minute interview with Fail-Safe IT Solutions. The event is held on 27th of February at Espoo Talent Hub – read more about the positions and register now
City of Espoo connects international degree students with their future employers. Employer Speed Dating is a monthly recruitment event produced by the City of Espoo and it is part of the National Talent Boost programme. You can learn more for recuitment events organized by city of Espoo from here.
The AllWell? Questionnaire
Hello, second-year bachelor’s student or first-year master’s student, how are you? Respond to the AllWell? questionnaire on study wellbeing through the link you will receive by email. This is your chance to help your programme and the university develop. Once the questionnaire has closed, you will get personalised wellbeing tips in return for your response.
The questionnaire is anonymous, and all responses are treated with the utmost confidentiality. The questionnaire will be open from 15 February to 1 March 2023. Read more about the questionare from here
4. Other
Effective Altruism Intro Program
The Effective Altruism Intro Program is an eye-opening and rewarding 8-week program starting on March 12th. Every week consists of readings and discussion on themes like effective career choices, empathy, global health and existential risks. The program offers you a great opportunity to talk with and learn from like-minded people about doing good in effective ways. Apply by February 21st
5. A photo of a cute cat