Captain’s greetings
Hi there!
Welcome to Data Guild! I’m Tony Heinola, your Fuksi Captain. I’m here to ensure you have an incredible first year and a smooth transition into university life. Alongside me is Ojaswi Tyagi, the Tutor Coordinator, and an amazing team of tutors. Together, we’ll make sure your entry into this new, foreign chapter of life is smooth, seamless and enjoyable.
In this Freshman Guide for 2024, you’ll find essential information about your studies, university life, and all the wonderful things that Aalto has to offer. If you’re short on time, I highly recommend going through the checklist and links provided, as they contain vital information. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me via Telegram, WhatsApp,
email, or phone. Telegram is our primary communication channel for all activities at Aalto and Data Guild, so I highly recommend downloading it.
As a person with little knowledge and expectation of Aalto University, I can confidently say that my time here has been amazing. The vibrant student life and rich culture continue to astonish me, and it seems like I’m learning new things every day.
Within Data Guild, our tight-knit community fosters a warm and welcoming environment. I encourage you to participate in as many events as possible and trust me, every Freshman event at Data Guild is guaranteed to be a banger!
Studying is also an important part of being a student (that’s crazy). Attending exercise sessions with your classmates is highly recommended. Additionally, Data Guild organizes the famous Pre-exam party before each exam week, helping you unwind and prepare for the challenges ahead. Getting involved in Data Guild and the Fuksi community is a fantastic way to make the most of your time here. Whether you attend events, contribute to the organization, or even consider joining the board, there are plenty of opportunities within our vibrant student life. You can also explore Teekkari culture or join one of the many associations in Otaniemi. From Heavy Metal to cocktail making or pole dancing, there’s something for everyone! Remember, there’s a wealth of possibilities for you to explore, but nothing you absolutely have to do. Use this opportunity to try out different activities, discover your passions, and find what works best for you.
Once again, welcome to Data Guild! Your first year as a Freshman is a unique experience, so embrace it fully and enjoy every moment.
See you soon!
If you have any questions hit me up on telegram @DataDaddy or email

Fuksi guide
Here is the latest version of the fuksi guide published by Data Guild! The guide is the best way to get introduced to the student culture at Aalto and within DG, so we highly recommend you read it as a fuksi!
Useful links
Telegram groups
Student guide
Annual enrollment (Oili)
Course registrations (Sisu)
Courses and their materials (MyCourses)
All courses (Courses)
Past exams (Tenttiarkisto)
Find and contact your study support team (MyStudies)
Starting Point of Wellbeing
Coming to Finland
Finnish Immigration Service (Maahanmuuttovirasto, Migri)
Digital and Population Data Services Agency (Digi- ja väestötietovirasto, DVV)
Aalto University Student Union housing (Aalto-yliopiston ylioppilaskunta, AYY)
Foundation for Student Housing in the Helsinki Region (Helsingin seudun opiskelija-asuntosäätiö, HOAS)
Private housing
Helsinki Regional Transport Authority (Helsingin seudun liikenne, HSL)
Healthcare and wellbeing
The Social Insurance Institution (Kansaneläkelaitos, Kela)
Finnish Student Health Service, FSHS (Ylioppilaiden terveydenhuoltosäätiö, YTHS)
Campus restaurant menus (Kanttiinit)
Frank, student card app (App Store, Google play)
HSL (App Store, Google play)
MobilePay (App Store, Google play) (App Store, Google play)
Telegram (App Store, Google play)
Aalto Space (App Store, Google play)