Data Guild is the subject association that takes in students of the Data Science -major in the Aalto Bachelor’s Programme in Science and Technology. Most members stay in the association also for the duration of their master’s studies. Data Guild organizes events, carries out student advocacy, and helps students connect with companies in the field.
Collaboration options
The main format of collaboration with Data Guild is a partnership deal. A partnership enables a close and long-lasting collaboration between the business community and the guild. The guild works primarily with companies with a partnership deal.
There are many types of collaboration options, of which the most popular are company visits, known as excursions. This is a great way for students to discover opportunities in the business community.
Partnerships and other business collaborations are handled by our Head of Corporate Relations, who you can reach at
Excursions are a great way to introduce students to the company and its culture. Your company’s employees and our students will have a chance to talk about working at the company and in the field.
Excursions often consist of a short introduction of the company, an interactive activity related to the company or the field, and a free conversation with the employees. A good excursion also includes food and drinks for the attendees.
Annual ball
The annual ball of Data Guild, Epoch, is the biggest and fanciest event of the guild. The annual ball is a formal academic dinner party, where our members put on their best to celebrate the birthday of the guild. The annual ball begins with a cocktail events, continues onto the main party and ends with the herring breakfast (known as sillis) on the next day. The annual ball is not limited only to the current members of the guild, as guild alumni, guests from other guilds, and guild partners are also invited.
The large scale of the events gives sponsors broad visibility from guild members to other students in Otaniemi. The annual ball is planned with the sponsors so that they get the visibility they want during the event.

If you are looking for new talents for your company, we can help you reach the best possible people fit for the job. The job opportunities will be posted on our recruiting channels on Telegram and on the website. Our recruiting channels are available for companies in any field.
Other ideas?
We are always open if you have any other ideas related to collaborations or recruiting. In this case you can contact our Head of Corporate Relations at