I hope you’re all doing well. Below you find upcoming events and other stuff that may be interesting to you.
Upcoming events
Overalls Adventure – 15.10.
It is finally time for you to receive your overalls!
Sign up here: https://dataguild.fi/events/overalls-adventure-21/
Participating in the Overalls Adventure will earn you a fuksi point!
Pre(xam) Party – 24.10.
Feel nervous before the exam week? Are math and programming courses giving you grey hairs? Fed up with suffering all alone? Then what could be greater than the traditional Pre(xam) party organized by Data Guild!
In this event you have a chance to get together with your friends and study for your exams. Bring your notes, share your pre-exam struggles, give advice and get advice, and, of course, don’t forget to chill out afterwards with your mates!
Participating in a Pre(xam) party will earn you a fuksi point!
Guild Uprising – 30.10.
As the next year is drawing closer, so are Data Guild’s elections. Do you want to hear more about the inner workings of the guild? Are you interested in taking part in shaping it yourself, maybe even by applying for a board position? Are you bored and have nothing else to do? If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, come to the Guild Uprising on the 30th of October! Participating in the Guild Uprising will earn you a fuksi point!
Data Guild Sitsit – 6.11.
Is a sitsit for all members of Data Guild. More information to follow!
Participating in a sitsit will earn you the “sitsit” fuksi point!
SCI Halloweensitsit – 7.11.
Is a sitsit for fuksis of the School of Science. More information to follow!
Participating in a sitsit will earn you the “sitsit” fuksi point! (no, they do not stack)
Fuksien Juhlasitsit / Fuksi Annual Ball – 8.11.
The traditional Fuksi Annual Ball happens at Smökki on the Monday of Teekkari Tradition week with the theme Aphrodite.
As You fuksis are so great in numbers, there unfortunately won’t be enough seats for everybody. That’s why the signup will be a more than equal, traditional physical queue. Ticket sales for the sitsit happen on Monday, 18.10. at 8:00 a.m. in the Undergraduate Center. Queueing happens outside the Z-door next to Alvari Square. If you want to make sure you get your ticket, it’s good to be at the queue quite early (and remember to take warm clothing with you!).
The dresscode is cocktail dress or black suit. You don’t want to miss this sitsit!
The event will be held in Finnish but you’re still welcome to attend if you don’t speak Finnish. Participating in a sitsit will earn you the “sitsit” fuksi point! (if you’re wondering why there’s three sitsit in a row – ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
Other matters
Surviving your first exam week
The first exam week is approaching and it is natural to feel worried about it. Here you can find some useful links for resources to help you get ready for the upcoming exams without burning out.
Tenttiarkisto or the Exam Archive. Here you can find old exam papers by the course codes to study. You can also add course or upload new exam paper, after taking your exams.
Aalto study psychologists available both remote and on campus. You can contact a study psychologist for example when you are looking for help with time management, procrastination or lack of motivation, you are looking for a study method that suits you or you are experiencing study related stress, anxiety or burnout.
Your conversation with the psychologists will always remain confidential as legislated by Finland’s National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health. The service is free of charge for students of Aalto University. You can book an appoimtment via e-mail opintopsykologi@aalto.fi by including following information:
- your name and phone number so that we can contact you
- the name of your study programme and the name of your school
- a short description of your need for an appointment
- let us know if you have already had a meeting with Aalto psychologists before in some point of your studies
In Sisu you can find available retake exam dates by the same course code and register for them. There are no penalties applied to the retake exams. You can also retake exam if you just want to improve your grade, no matter what your previous grade was (for example, from 4 to 5). Only the best grade from all of your attempts will be visible in your transcript of records. Usually, there are 2-3 retakes available for the course per year.
The main takeaway here – of course, it’s great to pass exams with the desired grade from the first try, but if it doesn’t happen, it’s alright, it’s not the end of the world. You can always try again.
If you have more questions, feel free to ask your tutors, Guild’s Study Coordinator @Normsie or student services bsc.tech@aalto.fi.
Sleep enough, stay hydrated and find time for some rest! Good luck!
Just yesterday an owl delivered a mysterious letter to you. You have been accepted to study in the famous Aalwarts, the School of Wizards and Witchcraft. Can you graduate with honors or will you fail the potions class? Be careful not to fall from your broom and never go to the dungeons. Gather a team and start your Aalwarts adventure!
Go and play the outdoor puzzle adventure game in Otaniemi! Read the instructions here: https://www.aalto.fi/en/study-at-aalto/aalwarts-the-outdoor-puzzle-adventure-game-for-students
Greetings from Phuxivator
Hej på dig!
Talar du svenska (eller kanske du vill lära dig)? Vill du lära känna studerande från andra studieinriktningar? Känns det som att du vill bekanta dig lite närmare med den där vackra betongbyggnaden på Otsvängen?
Trots att namnet lyder Teknologföreningen, alltså TF, så är nationen inte bara för teknologer! TF är en svenskspråkig nation i Otnäs, och bär flaggan högt för det svenska språket och den finlandssvenska studerandekulturen. Det innebär program i alla former, från företagsexkursioner till sitzer, och från whiskyklubb till orkester, utan att glömma den fantastiska gemenskapen!
Ifall du är intresserad av ett medlemskap så ska du fylla i reg.tf.fi och delta på ett nationsmöte som du kommer få mail om! Ett medlemskap i TF begränsar inte dig från ditt gille! Double the fun!
Om du har vad som helst för frågor så svarar Teknologföreningens Phuxivator Malena på alla dina frågor! Henne kan du nå på @phuxivator på telegram eller phuxivator@tf.fi per mail!
Vi syns på TF! 💛
Upcoming events list
For your convenience, you can now find an irregularly updated list of upcoming events for fuksit at https://dataguild.fi/new-students/ .
Useful links and Telegram Groups
There are plenty of Telegram groups you could and/or should join! Here you can find a few of them, as well as some other good resources.
#Otaniemi – a chat of over 2000 students: https://t.me/otaniemi
AYY Advocacy: https://t.me/AYYadvocacy
Aalto International: https://t.me/aaltointernational
All Otaniemi Student restaurants and their menus: https://kanttiinit.fi
An actually uself Aalto Map: http://usefulaaltomap.fi/#!/
Aalto Printing Points: https://inside.aalto.fi/display/julkaisupalvelut/SecurePrint+ja+PrintingPointit
Giving Free Stuff in Otaniemi (Telegram): https://t.me/annetaantavaraa
IPTV for people living in AYY housing: http://verkko.ayy.fi/tv/iptv
Teekkari Village Buy & Sell: https://www.facebook.com/groups/teekkarikylamarkkinat/
Data Guild: https://t.me/dataguild
DG Info Channel: https://t.me/dataguildinfo
AthleTiKs / TiK Sports Club: https://t.me/joinchat/GcH7RhkYc1rHUPd39M1X2A
TiK Game Committee Board Games: https://t.me/joinchat/A5WBKD8b_fCdevHqUXhlug
TiK Game Committee Tabletop RPGs: https://t.me/joinchat/A5WBKEs08EnBRUrKz9FKQw
TiK Grandma Club: https://t.me/joinchat/BnEy_j_M04C9MmLZtgHtwA
List of AYY Associations:
Data Guild’s Study Coordinator: @Normsie
XBurger, or Etno, is the best and only local grill in Otaniemi, serving food late into the night during weekends but also for lunch. Go check it out!
Location of XBurger: https://goo.gl/maps/XbeW7Y91KW8antQq7
XBurger menu (in Finnish, still worth somehow): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Smjimtz2a10tlcIrXRXeWc439yVGctJd/view?usp=drivesdk
See ya!
Fuksi Captain of DG